I thought i'd create this blog post for anyone who hadn't heard of BuyaPowa, as every beauty lover should know of this brilliant website! It's basically a co-buying website and for anyone who doesn't know what that is, its where as more people join a co-buy the price of the product can drop. 
There are normally around 4 live co-buys at one time with a certain amount of time they will last although this will vary depending on how quickly an item sells out and there are only ever a limited number of each product. Once you join a co-buy you are guaranteed the product at that price however this may go down if more people join. Once you've joined its also possible to invite more people into buying the item to help drive the price down. As well as the live co-buys it also shows you what items are coming soon, where you can request for the website to alert you when this item is live meaning you'll be less likely to miss out. I have saved so much money buying items on here and although sometimes it can be a little frustrating waiting for a item you what to be 'live' it is totally worth it!